The Elements of Euclid, Vol. 1 John Sturgeon Mackay

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John Sturgeon Mackay - «The Elements of Euclid, Vol. 1»

О книге

Excerpt from The Elements of Euclid, Vol. 1: Books I to Vi

It should be stated that when a deduction is repeated once or oftener, in the same words, a different mode of proof is expected in each case.

In the appendices, much curtailed from considerations of space, a few of the more useful and interesting theorems of elementary geometry have been given. It has not been thought expedient to introduce the signs + and -, to indicate opposite directions of measurement. The important advantages which result from this use of these signs are readily apprehended by readers who advance beyond the 'elements,' and it is only of the 'elements' that the present manual treats.

The historical notes, which are not specially intended for beginners, may save time and trouble to any one who wishes to investigate more fully certain of the questions which occur throughout the work. It would perhaps be well if such notes were more frequently to be found in mathematical text-books: the names of those who have extended the boundaries, or successfully cultivated any part of the domain, of science should not be unknown to those who inherit the results of their labour.

Though the utmost pains have been taken by all concerned in the production of this volume to make it accurate and workmanlike, a few errors may have escaped notice. Corrections of thee will be gratefully received.

The editor desires to express his thanks to Mr J. R. Pairman for the excellence of the diagrams, and to Mr David Traill, M.A., B.Sc., and Mr A. Y. Fraser, M.A., for valuable hints while the work was going through the press.

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Полное название книги John Sturgeon Mackay The Elements of Euclid, Vol. 1
Автор John Sturgeon Mackay
Ключевые слова математика, геометрия
Категории Образование и наука, Математика
ISBN 9781330471654
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2015
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