Corbie Ransom, an uprooted, unhappy California teenager is transplanted in a small West Texas town where his father has been transferred. An immediate conflict over a pretty, local girl leads a bully and his gang to question Corbie's valor, and challenge him to spend a night alone atop Mount Chinati, sometimes called "Ghost Mountain." An accomplished mountain climber and rappeller as an Explorer Scout in California, and skeptical about ghosts and UFOs, Corbie accepts--and reciprocates the challenge to his antagonists. Confident that this fiery new kid on the block will fail at something no one else has accomplished--and become a laughing stock--they accept. Corbie's climb has a profound impact on the spirited, young adventurer's life, and he begins to alter his opinion about ghosts and extraterrestrial life. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Ghost of Mount Chinati (Walter LeCroy)