Under Lone Rock Skies, the sequel to Murder at Lone Rock, finds us once again following the life of Karla Devereaux. Karla, now part owner of the Chatterbox Cafe, and newly married is enjoying life in small town rural America. And life seems only to be getting better. Under Lone Rock Skies follows Karla's journey as she also becomes a farmwife and a trusted confidante to her patrons. But life still has its ups and downs-farm accidents, family situations, and community celebrations. Under Lone Rock Skies is small town life at its best. Gene E. Miller is a freelance author who resides in Fenton, Iowa. In addition to writing articles for a variety of newspapers and periodicals he has penned fourteen previous books. An award winning poet he has several musical compositions to his credit as well. Under Lone Rock Skies is his second novel. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Under Lone Rock Skies (Gene E. Miller)