Flying Cars for Everyone in the Near Future

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 - «Flying Cars for Everyone in the Near Future»

О книге

As human population continues to increase here on earth, congested streets and highways will abound at a rate well beyond our current plans for solution. Something is drastically needed to relax traffic congestion. An Aircar that con be housed in your garage; can takeoff ""quietly"" from in front of your house without a runway; and take you to work and back every day is conceptualized herein. A design specification for an Aircar is developed herein by first identifying the impracticalities of everyone having an Aircar for everyday use and then sets forth the technological means for overcoming each of the identified impracticalities. An Aircar design concept is presented based on a design specification. The one great importance of this book is that it identifies large number of applications currently under development, many of which have not been oriented toward any specific application.. Such technologies include nanotube materials, electrogravity propulsion, Lithium Air batteries, ""free energy"" electrical generators, plasma actuators for boundary layer flow control and noise reduction and electronic guidance and safety control. Thus, the development of the Aircar will bring to the entire aeronautical industry the full development of such relatively ""far out"" technologies. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Flying Cars for Everyone in the Near Future

Полное название книги Flying Cars for Everyone in the Near Future
Ключевые слова технические науки, технические науки в целом, техника
Категории Образование и наука, Технические науки
ISBN 9781633820104
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2014
Название транслитом flying-cars-for-everyone-in-the-near-future
Название с ошибочной раскладкой flying cars for everyone in the near future