"Under the Moon" is the third novel in the acclaimed, epic Muskoka series. It continues to follow the lives, loves, and fortunes of the privileged Wyndhams and their summer friends. The catastrophic Great War is over, but those who survived now face the final battle - to rebuild their lives and protect their secrets. Some find solace amid the rugged beauty and serenity of the legendary Muskoka lakes. Others still crave adventure. A few seek to reinvent themselves among the avant-garde of decadent Paris and the blossoming Riviera. Meanwhile, the younger generation struggles to defy convention in a daring new era of scandalous excess and social upheaval, under the seductive moon of the glittering Jazz Age. See theMuskokaNovels.com for more information. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Under the Moon (Gabriele Katharina Wills)