Checkers Improved S. T. Livermore

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S. T. Livermore - «Checkers Improved»

О книге

Excerpt from Checkers Improved: Over 200 Games and Problems, Laws of the Game, the Move, Classification, Explanations, Etc, for the New Board Without Checks, and the Old Board With Its 64 Checks

This sentiment from one of the most eminent preachers and authors of New York city is condensed in the parable of leaven in the meal, and was forcibly exemplified in the carpenter"s shop at Nazareth. There, by holy hands, the saw, the chisel, and the hammer, year after year, were used in making things necessary and things to please. There He, who adorned creation with delights for the eye, and filled it with harmonies for the ear, and with problems for the pleasing exercise of the intellect, did not work as a miser, or mere utilitarian, or ascetic. None can rationally doubt that He labored to please, by ornamenting, and polishing.

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Полное название книги S. T. Livermore Checkers Improved
Автор S. T. Livermore
Ключевые слова книги для родителей, игры праздники развлечения для детей
Категории Медицина и здоровье. ЗОЖ, Беременность и уход за ребенком
ISBN 9781330013144
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2015
Название транслитом checkers-improved-s-t-livermore
Название с ошибочной раскладкой checkers improved s. t. livermore