Lantana camara L. is regarded both as a notorious weed and a popular ornamental garden plant and posseses various uses in folk medicine in many parts of the world. The phytochemical investigation of the methanolic extract of leaves resulted in isolation terpenoidal glycosides namely urosolic acid glycosidic oleiate (NEW), ursolic acid glycosidic stearate (NEW) and oleanolic acid glucoside. Some esters like undecanyl Oleioate, dodecanyl oleioate and carboxylic acids like ursolic acid and oleanolic acid were successfully isolated. HPTLC fingerprint of the methanolic extracts of L. camara leaves were performed. The solvent systems were chloroform: methanol (99:1). Antidiabetic activities of the Lantana camara were performed on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats and the aqueous extracts of both the drugs showed significant reduction in blood glucose level. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Characterization and Anti-diabetic evaluation of Lantana camara (Imran Kazmi,Muhammad Afzal and Firoz Anwar)