Fish or Cut Bait, the latest installment in the Guppy Anthology Series, presents a collection of mystery stories by rising stars of the mystery and suspense field. Tales of revenge and retribution...police detectives...cozy characters...hardboiled P.I.s...there"s something here for every fan of great tales of crime and detection! THE MOUNTAIN TOP, by Georgia Ruth JUDGE LU"S DILEMMA, by PA De Voe THE INSURRECTION, by Judith Copek BARGAINING CHIP, by Kate Fellowes HOME INVASION, by Polly Iyer A SHIFTING PLAN, by Elizabeth Zelvin EASY PREY, by Tracy L. Ward THE BONES IN THE BOX, by Melissa Robbins EGIDIO DECIDES TO FISH, by Joan Leotta CROSSROAD, by Su Kopil NOVEL SOLUTION, by Vinnie Hansen CAVEAT EMPTOR, by Cheryl Marceau SWIMMING LESSONS, by Gin Mackey DECEPTION, by Patricia Marie Warren SLEEPING IN, by Toni Goodyear MIND OVER MANNERS, by Jim Jackson TOYING WITH A FORTUNE, by Nicole Myers BLINDED BY MURDER, by Kelly Cochran JUST MY TYPE OF REVENGE, by Chelle Martin HERBS TO YOU, by Norma Huss THE BRASS TIARA, by Lauren Moffett THE TRAIN"S ON THE TRACKS, by Paula Gail Benson If you enjoy this volume, pick up the first two Guppy Anthologies: Fish Tales and Fish Nets! Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Fish or Cut Bait