Can ambitious, driven triathletes-who are also wives and mothers-continue advancing and excelling in their sport without sacrificing their goals, humanity, or family and personal lives? Read on...
"The deeply personal stories in Tri-Mom had me laughing out loud and identifying with the struggles of these accomplished triathletes as they balance work, motherhood, and family with their desires to achieve. Anyone-male or female-who has ever juggled the personal, professional, and athletic aspects of their life will enjoy Tri-Mom. Conversational, motivational, and inspirational!"
~ Triathlete Sue Hecht-Dziuban, Owner, Multisport Madness Triathlon Club
"After a ten-year professional career, I chose to retire in order to start a family. I was excited at the prospect of sharing with my twins the joys of a body in motion, but scared to death of the extreme life changes motherhood would inevitably bring. I envisioned a life where I"d lost my killer racing instinct and competitive edge-a life of sleep deprivation, low energy, and very little time for myself. But, being a mother of twin boys rocks! Tri-Mom shares the honest, raw emotions of women just like us, who have struggled and triumphed through this amazing life transition. Read Tri-Mom and you"ll know you are not alone."
~Barb Lindquist, 2004 Olympic Triathlete
"Brave and witty, Tri-Mom peels back all pretense to reveal the miraculous, exhilarating, and exhausting transformation from athlete to mother-and back again. These personal accounts of trimoms juggling their various roles teem with honest introspection. I was taken back to my own days as a tri-mom, when I was sleep-deprived, guilt-ridden, and nursing behind trees at races. Anyone seeking to balance the giving to oneself with the giving of oneself will find inspiration in this sisterhood of strength."
~ Cheryl Hart, Sport Psychology Consultant, Owner, 2nd Wind Motivation Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Tri-Mom (Debra Hodgett)