Dr. Bob Gilsen has been transported to a world far different from the one he once knew; a world more primitive and cruel, a world without modern comforts and technology, yet a world that desperately needs his knowledge and skills as a healer. Thus, The Book of Drachma continues in Coaptation. Nurse Judy Morrison, attempting to pick through the mystery of her colleague"s strange disappearance, finds herself pulled unwittingly from her well-worn existence into a place of chaos and snowy danger. Shepperton Island, now under the curse of a deadly, yet unnamed plague, becomes Judy"s new home, further melding these two worlds. A new cast of characters now enters the story, heroes and villains - one particular cane-wielding villain more dastardly than the others, all pieces in the mounting struggle for power, even as the health of the earl of Shepperton deteriorates. What is the source of this deadly disease ravaging the island? Who or what is behind it? How were the two healers from the future brought to the island, and what aid can they bring? And where in all this is Drachma, that man of wisdom, magic, and great power? Coaptation answers these questions, but also creates more as the cloud of conflict and deceit falls upon Shepperton. Read on as the story of two times and two lands continues; a story of medicine in a technologically-stunted world, a story of love and brotherhood, of knowledge and light, facing an evil, seemingly insurmountable plot. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Coaptation