The Sundering Flood, among the last of Morris"s works, was published in 1897, after his death. The beautiful prose and rich use of language are typical of Morris and fill the reader with a sense of awe and wonder. The "flood" of the title is nothing less than a river, metaphorically as well as literally dividing two lovers. And there is the fantastic, too: dwarf folk, a magic sword, and an ageless warrior to mentor the hero. All told, a delightful story certain to appeal to all lovers of classic fantasy. "C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien both acknowledged the influence of William Morris." --The Encyclopedia of Fantasy "No mountains in literature are as far away as the distant mountains of Morris." --C.S. Lewis "With his epochal novels of the 1880s, William Morris established the tradition of the tale set in a completely imaginary world of the author"s own invention.? --Lin Carter Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Sundering Flood (William Morris)