This new collection of twelve humorous short Christmas stories follows a cast of entertaining characters as they prepare for the festive season, from a small boy trying to teach Santa time management to the elderly lady celebrating what"s likely to be her last Christmas Day. Unlike many Christmas-themed books, "Stocking Fillers" does not sugar-coat the festive experience, and not all of the characters are lovable. But ultimately it"s a heartwarming celebration of all things festive. Whether you choose to spread out the stories across the traditional 12 Days of Christmas, or to consume them all in one sitting, once you"ve read "Stocking Fillers", you"ll never view Christmas in quite the same way again! By the author of the acclaimed flash fiction collection "Quick Change", of which National Flash Fiction Day founder Calum Kerr said: "A book of tiny gems. Debbie Young"s attention to detail brings the extraordinary out of the everyday." Author Marius Gabriel describes her short fiction as "Very subtle, very English, very clever", and historical novelist Lucienne Boyce adds: "Debbie Young"s short stories make domesticity look edgy, sometimes dangerous, but they are also life-affirming." Also available as an ebook. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Stocking Fillers (Debbie Young)