Walking Calcutta Keith Humphrey

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Keith Humphrey - «Walking Calcutta»

О книге

This wandering odyssey through the City"s pullulating backstreets and serpentine byways reveals a Calcutta rarely glimpsed by western travellers. Arranged as a series of journeys on foot through the older quarters of the City seldom trod by outsiders, the narrative chronicles the topography, social and historical background and the vibrant street life and characters which give Calcutta its uniqueness. Complete with detailed directions and street maps for the areas explored, the book provides a storehouse of indispensable information for the intrepid traveller. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Walking Calcutta (Keith Humphrey)

Полное название книги Keith Humphrey Walking Calcutta
Автор Keith Humphrey
Ключевые слова путешествия, туризм, общие вопросы
Категории Справочники, словари, энциклопедии, Путеводители. Путешествия
ISBN 9781907211041
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2009
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