FORE, AND THE FUTURE OF PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING PRESENTS A NEW, SCIENTIFIC WAY TO PROJECT THE PAST INTO THE FUTURE, AND DOES SO WITH HUMILITY AND HUMOR. IT IS "A GUESS WITH A COLLEGE EDUCATION; the E = mc2 of Prognostication" "...I hope it hits a home run."-Alan Alda, actor and science spokesperson. At last, a science book with a sense of humor! FORE, and the Future of Practically Everything presents a new way to project information from the past into the future. FORE stands for "First-Order Rate Equation" that the author has modified so it applies to a broad spectrum of physical processes, from life expectancy to home run hitting and the rise in sea level. It is "a guess with a college education; the E = mc2 of Prognostication." "An utterly fascinating book built around an astonishing variety of day-to-day practical applications..."-Gordon Eaton, Ph.D., former Director of the U.S. Geological Survey and President of Iowa State University. "...a great book, which hopefully will get the wide readership it deserves."-Michael Mann, Ph. D., Distinguished Professor and Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC), Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Handy makes [his} subject easily understood and fun to read - primarily due to his skillful use of appropriate humor. -Jim Woodard, nationally syndicated columnist and story teller at the Ronald Reagan Library. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Fore and the Future of Practically Everything