After defeating the Dark King and saving Faye, thirteen-year-old Deliah Hanlan, half fairy and half human, finds herself struggling to fit in at middle school. With the help of a new BFF and some old and new Faye friends, Deliah tries to find the balance between the human and fairy realms. Deliah finds herself conflicted as she must learn to manage her fierce inner voice of fear. Billy MacSweeney, a cute and distracting boy in her eighth grade class, isn't helping matters. Deliah's world is shaken to the very core when terrible news arrives that puts her Faye family in danger of survival. Will she find the strength to face an old enemy once more? Will she be able to help humans see beyond the veil? Allyson Giles was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. She now resides in Kelowna, British Columbia. She is currently writing the final book in the Believe trilogy. Publisher's website: Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Believe