The unique story of a young master, an incarnation of many great beings and teachers throughout the history of earth. It came to be his time to come forth in existence and bring his light into the world to help the planet ascend. He goes through a transformation, as all other human beings are, in discovering the infinite more and more. This is a part of the story of how it began for him, with the help of his imaginary friend Frank. His great accomplishment in this story is to be ridiculous and naive... to make a fool of himself by being different and thinking crazy. He finds out that these are the attributes of all true masters. This story has been written in the new energy and is an example of great individual transformation. It is a beautiful story to read and we"re sure you"ll enjoy it. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Journal of an Enlightened Kid (Gabriel Simekcakan)