Contents Include: Introduction by Maj-Gen. J.F.C. Fuller, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O ON THE NATURE OF WAR: The Genius for War Of Danger and Bodily Exertion in War Information in War Friction in War ON THE THEORY OF WAR: Branches of the Art of War On the Theory of War Moral Quantities in War OF STRATEGY IN GENERAL: Strategy (Definition) Moral Forces and Military Virtues Boldness Superiority of Numbers The Surprise Assembly of Forces in Space and Time Strategic Reserve Economy of Forces On the Suspension of the Act in Warfare Tension and Rest The Combat in General On the Significance of the Combat Duration of the Combat Decision of the Combat The Battle Effects of Victory Strategic Means of Utilizing Victory Retreat after a Lost Battle OFFENCE AND DEFENCE: Conception of Defence The Offensive and Defensive in Tactics The Offensive and Defensive in Strategy Character of Strategic Defensive Guerrilla Warfare End in War More precisely Defined PLAN OF WAR: Interdependence of the Parts in War Of the Magnitude of the Objects of the War WAR AND POLITICS CONCLUSIONS: What is War? Ends and Means in Wat Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Living Thoughts of Clausewitz (Lt. Col. Joseph Greene)