Most people live within the limittations of the prison in their mind with thie blinders on. We perceive a restricted vision which cause us to accept a limited life style, yet we could live without limitations. Our minds programming dictates how we will run our life since we are a Mainframe computer with thousands of network computer stations which are described as the cellular structure of our body. Our body/mind talks to us all the time. The question is; can we listen to the messages, Most people can not ubderstand the messages from pain, illness and other diabilities are trying to knock us down.. Since our computer is on 24/7 it records all sensory input from our activities and stores it in our data base for later use, Quite often these programs will be used against us to sabotage our life. What causes us to live in boxes and traps that do not allow is to experience peace, happiness, harmony, joy, unconditional love, acceptance and abundance in our life 100% of the time? The enemy is the programmin our own mind. Programs, beliefs and habits begin to sabotage us unless we know how to clear the causes and limitations we create. Illness, disease, malfunctioning disabilities such as allergies, phobias, asthma, diabetes and all other breakdown in our life are real because we make them real. They are caused by the programs in our mind. The only way to change these malfunctions is to remove the limitation and failure scripts and rewrite the programs and install new health and success programming. This books explains how we end up living in boxes with limitations experiencing a life that not fullfilling with happiness and joy we desire. It provides the direction to get out of the box and start living life without limitations and blocks to happiness and joy. There are two kinds of people in this world; people from disfunctonal families which 9%% of the people come from and those from functional families. There are two kinds of people who suceed in life; People with drive, intention, commitment and self discipline without limitations, Wealth can not buy health. programs in our mind create perfect health. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Your Body Is Talking Are You Listening?