This title explores the magical world of Disney Fairies, where believing is just the beginning! "Disney Fairies the Ultimate Guide to the Magical World" will have you reaching for your wand and delving into a world of fairy fun. Full of your favourite characters, including Tinker Bell, Rosetta and Vidia; guiding you through the magical world of Pixie Hollow and crammed with fun information, including the lowdown on Pixie Dust and how to find your fairy talent, this is the perfect package for aspiring fairies. With eye-catching pictures of characters and stills from the Disney Fairies movies and dealing with the fairy themes of magic, friendship, fairy fashion and nature, "Disney Fairies the Ultimate Guide to the Magical World" is one book no Disney Fairies fan should be without. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Disney Fairies: The Ultimate Guide to the Magical World