The story of "The Princess and the Frog" has inspired books, poetry and films, including the hugely popular Hollywood blockbuster "Shrek 2" and Walt Disney"s 2009 animated film "The Princess and the Frog". While the idea of a frog turning into a prince can be traced back to the Middle Ages, the most well-known version of this fairy tale was included in "Children"s and Household Tales", a selection of stories collected by the Brothers Grimm in 1812. In their version, the spell is broken and the frog turns back into a handsome prince when the princess allows the frog to sleep on her pillow. "The Princess and the Frog", as told by the Brothers Grimm, teaches children to take responsibility for their actions and the importance of keeping promises. Ladybird"s 1973 retelling by Vera Southgate is a classic of its time and helped to bring the story to a new generation of children. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Princess and the Frog