Meet Isabelle, a small town girl with big ambitions. Determined to repay her mother for putting her through college, she has bought a one-way ticket from Nowheresville to New York, leaving her boyfriend behind for a new life as a junior trader. But the Wall Street Isabelle discovers is one of high finance and low morals: the only things black and white are the Amex cards and the wraps of cocaine; the men are the masters of the universe, and the women are expected to play along. On a trip to Sin City for some corporate schmoozing, Isabelle finds herself in bed with the bank"s biggest client, and he doesn"t want what happens in Vegas to stay in Vegas. Then she discovers her boss is cheating the system as well as his wife - a move that could see them both swapping VIP clubs for a different set of bars ... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Black & the White (Evelin Weber)