From a small French city to a park outside the neon glitz of Tokyo, and beyond, these interconnected stories follow the adventures of Brian, Ondrej, Yuji, Jason, and others as they navigate the tumultuous path of life and love. A small French city. A park near Tokyo. The Czech countryside. London at night. Lost loves and found loves. Fear and courage. Reflections. Rejections. Reconciliations. Romance. These interconnected stories follow the adventures of Brian, Ondrej, Yuji, Jason, and others as they navigate the tumultuous path of life and love. Featuring: Shin-Kiba Park (Pushcart Prize nominee; from Gival Press's ArLiJo) Nagasaki (Dana Award finalist; from Polari Journal) Unfinished (from SNReview) Ficelle (from SNReview) Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Reunion (Barry Brennessel)