8 Million students in grades 4-12 cannot comprehend grade level reading material. 440 Thousand students sitting in American classrooms K-12 have a total reading vocabulary of less than fifty words. 3 Thousand students drop out of school each day. 40 Percent of African-American and Latino students will not graduate on time or with a regular high school diploma. 25 Times the likelihood that non-readers and high school students testing below the twentieth percentile will drop out of school. Every day students across the country are being labeled and put into "special" programs. The gap between those students and their peers reading at grade level simply continues to grow until the gap seems too large to overcome. Often these students begin acting out in class because they have learned that it is better to go one on one with the principal versus being embarrassed and frustrated in front of their peers. It is not the fault of the student, teacher, or parent. We must stop looking for the reason to justify the failure and find a way to over come it. Simply labeling students Dyslexic, Learning Disabled, and Autistic will not offer them a reading solution. These students do not need remediation; they need an accelerated compensatory approach to mastering language and reading skills. Dr. Joe Lockavitch has been in the trenches with non-readers, their families, and their teachers for over thirty years. Students in the bottom reading percentiles (0-15th %) are slipping through the cracks right before our eyes. Based on his experiences in the classroom with non-readers, Dr. Lockavitch (former college professor, school psychologist, special education director) researched and developed a new reading methodology targeting non-readers of all ages. Highly structured, repetitious, and non-phonic, The Failure Free Reading Methodology is an accelerated language program designed to give students, parents, and teachers the hope and the results they deserve. Dr. Lockavitch has seen it all. Throughout his career he has given reading demonstrations in places that have ranged from the heart of the Mississippi Delta, inner city schools in Detroit and Chicago, maximum-security prisons in South Carolina, and after school programs in Los Angeles, California. He will only do a demonstration under one condition and make only one claim, "I"ll only work with your worst students. If you don"t see immediate improvement in their reading ability within 30 minutes, I"ll walk out the door." He hasn"t walked out yet. Dr. Joseph F. Lockavitch, a former classroom teacher, school psychologist, university professor, special education director, and applied researcher, is the author and developer of: The Failure Free Reading Program, Don"t Close the Book on Your Not-Yet Readers, Joseph"s Readers Talking Software for Non-Readers, Verbal Master-An Accelerated Vocabulary Program, and The Test of Lateral Awareness and Directionality. Dr. Lockavitch is also the author of numerous published research articles. Dr. Lockavitch has spent the past thirty years training thousands of teachers, parents and administrators across the nation on how to meet the unique needs of America"s non-readers. Featured on the PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and mentioned on national radio shows such as: Tom Joyner, Dr. Laura, Mike Gallagher, and Michael Medved, Dr. Lockavitch holds a Doctorate of Education from Boston University and a Master of Science in Special Education from Southern Connecticut State. In addition, Failure Free Reading is one of the nation"s most approved Supplemental Educational Service providers - directly serving over ten thousand students and clocking close to three hundred thousand tutoring hours. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Failure Free Reading Methodology (Dr. Joseph Lockavitch)