How to Achieve Absolute Financial Freedom Joseph Janiczek

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Joseph Janiczek - «How to Achieve Absolute Financial Freedom»

О книге

We live in an economic based world that exists without a manual. We are taught from early childhood to become responsible and functional adults. Yet, when it comes to personal finances, we are left mostly to trial and error. We need a path and plan that will help us achieve the level of financial freedom to eliminate our exposure to economic dangers, build upon our strengths and take advantage of the tremendous oportunities of our time. We need to learn: How To Achieve Absolute Financial Freedom. Reading this book is like recieveng hundreds of hours of personal financial advise from one of the nation"s most qualified and expirienced financial advisors: Joseph J. Janiczek, MSFS, ChFC. In language that is down-to-earth and compassionate, Janiczek provides direction, confidence and new capabilities needed to completely master money. His exceptional understanding of human nature combined with his broad experience and knowledhe in personal finance shines through and grabs reader interest from beginning to end. What differentiates this book from all others is that Janiczek provides solutions to the fears, changes and threats that paralyze most of us from taking action (a condition he refers to as financial stagnation). He also demystifies and simplifies money mastery into a process that is easy to understand and act upon. This book reveals how to be able to pursue your dreams without financial worries. It shows you how to build and modify your financial resources to provide the maximum level of financial freedom from the time you enter financial adulthood all the way through retirement. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге How to Achieve Absolute Financial Freedom (Joseph Janiczek)

Полное название книги Joseph Janiczek How to Achieve Absolute Financial Freedom
Автор Joseph Janiczek
Ключевые слова книги для родителей, воспитание и педагогика
Категории Медицина и здоровье. ЗОЖ, Беременность и уход за ребенком
ISBN 9781930833029
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2004
Название транслитом how-to-achieve-absolute-financial-freedom-joseph-janiczek
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