This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1873 Excerpt: ..."except the five contsnow imposod by law on the $100 of taxable property," be diverted to the revenue proper. The amounts paid out of the Treasury during the past two years to various charitable institutions and other objects named, together with the revenue collected and the surplus remaining for general purposes, are exhibited in the following statein ent: the mineral wealth of that section. "Die Elizabethtown, Lexington & Big Sandy Road has been completed from Lexington to Mount Sterling, and during the year 1873 will probably be extended to the mouth of the Big Sandy, to connect with the Chesapeake & Ohio. Great improvement has been made in the matter of publio education, though much still remains to be done. During the year ending June, schools were taught in 5,308 of the 5,381 districts of the State. The total number of pupils was 416,763, an increase of 10,925 over the preceding year. There is now no general tax for educational purposes, either by the State at large, or by local authorities. The Superintendent, in his last report, lays down the following as " the grand desiderata" for an effective school system: 1. A general statute allowing the districts to tax themselves, without the necessity of procuring special legislation; 2. A law providing for the building of good school-houses upon a uniform plan; 3. A Normal School for training teachers; 4. A general law allowing cities and towns to tax themselves to establish graded schools. On the subject of popular education, the Governor says in his message to the Legislature of 1873: Whatever political or other differences may obtain among us, this is one about which we cannot afford to differ. It is, and should be, tho pride of the Stato to preserve her own schools, re... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The American annual cyclopedia and register of important events Volume 12 ; Embracing political, civil, military, and social affairs: public ... science, agriculture, and mechanical industry (Books Group)