This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1912 edition. Excerpt: ...In regard to selecting varieties suitable for any locality, see the Appendix. Potash fertilizers should be applied rather than nitrogenous fertilizers. A large amount of nitrogen causes an excessive growth of the wood and leaves at the expense of the fruit. The fruit of the peach is borne principally on the young shoots; hence the tree should be pruned to encourage a growth of young wood. Enemies of the Peach Tree--The peach borer is as much an enemy to the peach tree as the apple-tree borer is to the apple tree. The only satisfactory way to get rid of the borers is to dig them out with a sharp wire. Peach Yellows and Peach Rosette are very destructive diseases. No remedy is known for them. The only thing so far recommended is to dig out and burn the affected trees. Black Spot--This fungous disease spreads rapidly from fruit to fruit, especially in wet, hot weather. No diseased fruit should be allowed to lie on the ground. It should be burned. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture has been recommended. It should be remembered, however, that spraying with fungicides, or poisons, is likely to damage the foliage of peach trees. On this account the self-boiled lime sulphur mixture is recommended in place of the Bordeaux mixture. PLUM AND CHERRY These fruits can be grown in nearly every portion of the United States. The trees begin to bear when three or Fig. 95. Black Spot of the Peach The formula for the self-boiled lime sulphur mixture is given in the Appendix. four years old, and should be planted when they are one or two years old. Varieties for various localities are given in the Appendix. The Plum Curculio is found in nearly all plum orchards. It is also found to a considerable extent on other fruits. The beetle lays an egg in each plum and makes a... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге School agriculture, with experiments and exercises; a text book for rural and graded schools (Milo N. Wood)