This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1847 Excerpt: ... Northern yellow, per bushel of 50 lb. 41 03--Rye. $1.15a$l. 18--Out. 50c.--Wheat in demand and but a mall supply Sales of ml Ohio at SI.75--Barley in demand, but none offering. HUTTKR--Orange County, per lb, 22c--good Western, 18 aSu cents CHKKNE--Per lb., 7oPc. BBKP--Mess, per bbl., fit. 50o$12.25--Prime. S8 50n$n.25. PORK--Mes, per bbl., »15.12$--Prime, $13.12j. Market tending upwards. HAMS--per lb.. 8a& rts LAKD--Per lb. in kefts. SjalOc. Sale dull HEMP--Russia, clean, per ton, 9249--Manilla, tlOOoSSOO. HOPS--Per lb.. 8n9c. COTTON--New Orleans and AlaLama per lb., 55a9c.--Florida. 5308c--Upland, 5fa7&c. WOOL--(Boston prices.) Prime or Saxon fleece, washed per lb. 45a50 eta. American full blood fleeces, 40a45 " " three-fourths blood fleeces,T3a37 " half blood do 30a."l2 " " one-fourth blood and common 28n3U " Rkharks--Since the arrival of the Britannia at Boston on the 17th, the market for breadstuff lias been lending upward, an effect which is in part attributed to the small arrivals from the west, which are not sufficient to meet the demand. Our accounts from Europe represent the scarcity as great as heretofore, and there is little doubt that there will be a firm demand for our produce for some time to come. In England, there is evidently but little grain on hand, and it appears that they have but little hope of obtaining supplies except from the United States. The Mark Lane Express observes--11 Many of the countries to which we are in the habit of looking for supplies, when our own crops turn out defective, are in a worse position than ourselves; indeed the scarcity of breads-tuffs may be said to be Almost universal over the whole of Europe, and it may well admit of doubt whether the surplus growth of America, great as... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The cultivator Volume 4; a monthly publication, devoted to agriculture (New York State Agricultural Society)