Spanning one hundred years, beginning in 1934, The Nurse Wore Nail Varnish tells the life story of Wendy Ruth Sanders - "Ruthie"- who was born prior to World War Two, into a working class family. As a young sixteen year old, the chance meeting with a charming and dashing naval lieutenant, Jeremy Bowerman, was instrumental in making the first of many changes for her. A short time later, Ruthie enrolled as a naval nurse and travelled to the island of Malta where she was free to follow the career she dreamed of, until it became clear that the charming lieutenant was not going to fulfil her expectations. However, she successfully raised two children, and returned to England to continue nursing - but this time on her own terms as the proud owner of The Sussex Convalescence Home. Her life would change again when she met Itailan doctor, Signor Bassanti, who enriched her life further. We go with Ruthie on her humorous and wry journey, from the Second World War, the swinging sixties, the 1977 Iranian uprising, through our modern digital age and into the future, and where the window of yesterday lets the light shine through onto the story of tomorrow.. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Nurse Wore Nail Varnish (Margaret Alsop)