Hundreds of years ago in a land ravaged by fierce clans, where only the strongest survive...a Legend of the People was born. From the historic tales of King Arthur comes a raw, riveting and passionate series of novels by author L.A. Wilson, who breathes fresh new life into this spell-binding story. Told as a first person narrative, spoken by Arthur"s closest friend, companion and brother-in-arms, Prince Bedwyr, the Fox. And Bedwyr tells his story with passion, daring and pain. Set entirely in the Dark Ages of post-Roman Britain, "The Silurian" blends myth, legend and historical reality into a single epic narrative that speaks not only of Arthur"s rise to power, but his battles against the invading Saxons, the savage Picts and the rebel British, described in-depth and graphically honest. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Silurian (L. A. Wilson)