"Seventeen year old Chloe Bernard pressed her nose against the bowed screen and searched among the myriad leaves of the giant oak so close to her window she could climb out on that fat limb right beneath her and leave-if she dared. Were the baby cardinals still in their nest? Ah, Minou the fat gray cat hadn"t eaten the tiny birds. Dear God, she prayed, Let them live to fly away..." LongShadows, a Southern Gothic novel filled with a psychological mystery, centers on Chloe Bernard, a seventeen year-old-girl who is trapped in her family"s decayed and sinister antebellum mansion by horrors that her forefathers committed there for over a century. She doesn"t understand why her Aunt Olympe won"t allow her and her aunts LaLa, Maddy, and Cici to leave, but she"s determined to escape. She must find out the secrets of the old house which she pieces together through stories related to her in the colorful voices of her aunts and their ancient servant, Princess. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Longshadows (Camilla Hunt Cole)