In this exciting sequel to The Fourth Age, Elijah begins his search for his beloved Esther, whom he feels for certain is out there somewhere in the endless Universe. Finding himself in the presence of a Supreme Being not known to exist, Saba Elohim, he is informed that Esther had indeed been there but has disappeared without a trace. Incredulous that this could happen, he is given a Cherubim and a Thrown Angel to aid him in his search. It is then that he is shown the Universe is filled with millions of intelligent species vastly different than Humanity. He soon finds himself battling beings of incredible power. Plowing through foes bent on keeping him from finding Esther and the truth of a plot hatched at the highest hierarchies of the heavens and Hades, Elijah soon realizes it"s not his might, but his love that will save the day. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Fourth Age II (Mark Brown)