After moving to the small town of Dovesbury, Scott Stapleton is shocked to discover a hidden diary that details the abusive childhood of a young girl. Disturbed at its contents, he seeks the truth of its author, fourteen-year-old Carren Cane, who lived in his house decades earlier. In this fast-paced novel by Martin Hayes, Scott is soon pulled into a vicious web of deception and intrigue when he begins to realize the Fatal Secrets the sleepy town of Dovesbury is hiding. As Scott fights to bring justice to the long-departed Carren, he finds himself a suspect in the town"s latest homicide. The few he believes he can trust turn on him. Alone, he fights to survive, unsure of the motivations of his new love. He must overcome the tight grip of the town"s lawless officials to solve the two murders before he becomes yet another of Dovesbury"s Fatal Secrets. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Fatal Secrets (Martin Hayes)