On the tranquil pristine beaches of Sanibel Island, a mysterious sinister invasion has occurred that will forever change the resort paradise. While shelling on the tranquil shores of Sanibel Island, Eleanor Pippin makes a discovery of death that will change the lives of the island residents forever. Fear of the unknown grips the island community as they rally together to find hope and deliverance. Sanibel Island under Siege is a story of inhumanity, cruelty and terror, yet is interwoven with a clear message of hope, faith and courage. An entire community is forever changed when the forces of evil come head-on with the power of good! Emmet Sparks weaves a suspenseful drama that is written in storyteller fashion. It is a story of injustice...a story of faith...and a story of sacrifice. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Sanibel Island Under Siege (Emmet Sparks)