Culture and Cooking; Or, Art in the Kitchen (Dodo Press) Catherine Owen

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Catherine Owen - «Culture and Cooking; Or, Art in the Kitchen (Dodo Press)»

О книге

Helen Alice Matthews Nitsch (? -1889) was a nineteenth- century American author of novels and cooking books, who wrote under the pseudonym Catherine Owen. Her works include: Culture and Cooking; or, Art in the Kitchen (1881), Catherine Owen"s New Cook Book (1885), Ten Dollars Enough: Keeping House on Ten Dollars a Week (1887), Gentle Breadwinners: The Story of One of Them (1888), Choice Cookery (1889) and Progressive Housekeeping: Keeping House Without Knowing How, and Knowing How to Keep House Well (1889). She also contributed to The Home Manual: Everybody"s Guide in Social, Domestic, and Business Life (1889) with Mary Cunningham Logan, Will Carleton and William Mathews. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Culture and Cooking; Or, Art in the Kitchen (Dodo Press) (Catherine Owen)

Полное название книги Catherine Owen Culture and Cooking; Or, Art in the Kitchen (Dodo Press)
Автор Catherine Owen
Ключевые слова напитки, кулинария, сборники кулинарных рецептов
Категории Дом. Быт. Досуг. Семья, Кулинария. Напитки
ISBN 9781409988991
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2009
Название транслитом culture-and-cooking-or-art-in-the-kitchen-dodo-press-catherine-owen
Название с ошибочной раскладкой culture and cooking; or, art in the kitchen (dodo press) catherine owen