Statistics for Ecologists Using R and Excel Mark Gardener

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Mark Gardener - «Statistics for Ecologists Using R and Excel»

О книге

This is a book about the scientific process and how we apply it to data in ecology. We will learn how to plan for data collection, how to assemble data, how to analyse data and finally how to present the results. The book uses Microsoft Excel and the powerful Open Source R program to carry out data handling as well as producing graphs. Who this book is for: Students of ecology and environmental science will find this book aimed at them although many other scientists will find the text useful as the principles and data analysis are the same in many disciplines. No prior knowledge is assumed and the reader can develop their skills up to degree level and beyond. What you will learn from this book: How to plan ecological projects How to record and assemble your data How to use Excel for data analysis and graphs How to use R for data analysis and graphs How to carry out a wide range of statistical analyses How to create professional looking graphs How to present your results About the author: Mark Gardener began his career as an optician but returned to science and trained as an ecologist. His research is in the area of pollination ecology, working extensively in the UK as well as Australia and the United States. He is an associate lecturer for the Open University and also runs courses in data analysis for ecology and environmental science. Data in the Wild Series Data in the Wild is a series of practical books, sharing key tools and methods for the collection, analysis and interpretation of environmental data. They are published rapidly in print and digital formats. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Statistics for Ecologists Using R and Excel (Mark Gardener)

Полное название книги Mark Gardener Statistics for Ecologists Using R and Excel
Автор Mark Gardener
Ключевые слова экология, естественные науки, человек и окружающая среда
Категории Образование и наука
ISBN 9781907807121
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2012
Название транслитом statistics-for-ecologists-using-r-and-excel-mark-gardener
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