George Frank Worts (1892-1967) who also wrote under the pseudonym Loring Brent, was an American fiction writer. He worked as a ship"s wireless operator in his twenties and then he attended Columbia University for a year. Then he left the university to become a picture editor for the Evening Mail. He was an associate editor on the Motion Picture News during 1916-1917. During the early 1950s he edited the Tucson magazine and later became a historian at the Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company. He sold his first book to Argosy and then continued working for it. He also wrote for various magazines such as Everybody"s, Collier"s, Red Book and the Saturday Evening Post. His works include: Peter the Brazen: A Mystery Story of Modern China (1919), The Return of George Washington (1928), The Silver Fang (1930), No More a Corpse: An Astounding Story (1932), The Phantom President (1932), The Blue Lacquer Box (1939) and Dangerous Young Man (1941). Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Peter the Brazen (George F. Worts)