Professor (Jules) Ernest Naville (1816-1909), who also wrote under the pseudonyms E. Villane and H. Villemar, was a Swiss author and professor, born in Geneva. He was a Corresponding Member of the Institute of France (Academy of the Moral and Political Sciences) and Professor of Philosophy and Theology in the University of Geneva. His works include: La Vie Eternelle (1861), Henri Sarasin: Souvenirs de Famille et Da??Amis (1862), La Patrie et les Partis: Discours sur la RA©forme Electorale (1865), Le ProblA?me du Mal (1868), Les Adversaires de la Philosophie (1869), Maine de Biran: Sa Vie et ses PensA©es (1877), La Logique de la??HypothA?se (1880), La Pratique de la ReprA©sentation Proportionnelle (1882), Dreyfus Intime (1898) and Impressions du Cherche-Midi (1899). His most well known works in English are: The Heavenly Father: Lectures on Modern Atheism (1867), The Problem of Evil: Seven Lectures (1871) and The Christ: Seven Lectures (1880). Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Heavenly Father (Ernest Naville)