The Submarine Boys, by Lieutenant Commander Victor G. Durham, is a series of adventure books for boys, published by Henry Altemus Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the early twentieth-century. The series featured three sixteen year old boys and their underwater adventures. Characters include: David Pollard (Inventor), Jacob Farnum (Shipbuilder), Jack Benson (Captain), Hal Hastings (Crew), Eph Somers (Crew) and Williamson (Crew & Machinist). Titles published include: The Submarine Boys on Duty: Life on a Diving Torpedo Boat (1909), The Submarine Boys" Trial Trip: "Making Good" as Young Experts (1909), The Submarine Boys and the Middies; or, The Prize Detail at Annapolis (1909), The Submarine Boys and the Spies: Dodging the Sharks of the Deep (1910), The Submarine Boys" Lightning Cruise: The Young Kings of the Deep (1910), The Submarine Boys for the Flag: Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam (1910), The Submarine Boys and the Smugglers (1912) and The Submarine Boys" Secret Mission (1912). Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Submarine Boys on Duty (Victor G. Durham)