The divide has been breached, the city of Melarsh, captured. Willont was to be the rock against which the Empire"s advance is halted, a beacon of hope to the people of the land. Though the defence was bravely fought, the blood of the city"s fallen defenders has extinguished that light. Only through outside intervention and fierce fighting was a portion of the army able to escape, but it"s a broken force, bloodied, exhausted, and scattered to all points of the compass. Escape and safety lies eastward, yet as civilian and soldier seek it, Empire forces thrust toward Crossing Rock seeking to cut off their escape. All that stands between attacker and the innocent who seek to escape, is a poorly equipped force manning hastily prepared defences. Through an act of violence, the one whose coming prophecy is foretold, was realised. A second such act reinforces the first, and opens the door to yet another. One claims that he will lead those who seek; the other, that he"s the bringer of death. Perhaps the two are in fact one and the same. In the waters that lap the western shore, the age of delusion dies; that of defiance is born. This is the third book in the series. Watch for the fourth. Born in Auckland, New Zealand, S.L.H. Tolley now resides in Frankston, Victoria, Australia. Publisher"s website: Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Elemental Staff (S. L. H. Tolley)