Six years after his game show destroyed most of the city of Olympia, disgraced TV boss, Big Man has gone into hiding behind the impenetrable doors of his office complex. As he slowly comes to terms to the horrific lifestyle he led, a highly contagious virus is released into the public by an unknown source. It reduces most of the population into enraged vicious killers and then into strange zombie like creatures. Fearing for their lives, a small bunch of survivors take refuge beneath the city. The group come across a huge black Dragon who has an issue with these newcomers in it"s lair, realizing that his two daughters are still trapped in the city, Big Man must leave his safe haven for the first time in years and venture outside to a new horror to find his loved ones before it"s too late. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Glimmerfin (Kingsley Pilgrim)