During an interview conducted late in his life, the legendary Swedish Film director Ingmar Bergman was asked about the coming of age. He likened aging to hiking up the side of a mountain: “the longer one walks the more winded one becomes,” he noted. “But,” headded, “the view!” Conrad Pritscher provides us with a breathtaking view of education as it is and can be, one focal point of which is Albert Einstein’s wise views on the subject. There is abundant genius in this book, one that parents and policymakers, as well as teachers and students, must read. Then, all can see what Pritscher sees. Then, all can find the path to improving the schools. WILLIAM F. PINAR, Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of British Columbia. It’s a wonderful read—like his other book insofar that it ‘is’ what it is talking about, an example of what it is professing. Full of great insights, and drawing on a wide array of sources that break through the hard crusts of conventional thinking. It’s beautifully written too, with a clear, simple elegance. DAVID GEOFFREY SMITH, Author of Pedagon and Trying to Teach in a Season of Great Untruth: Globalization, Empire, and the Crises of Pedagogy , International Forum on Education and Society, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Very insightful. SHARON BEGLEY, Science Columnist, Newsweek, Author of Train Your Mind Change your Brain, Co-Author of The Mind and the Brain, frequent guest on radio and television (The Charlie Rose Show, Today Weekend, and CBS’ s The Early Show) Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Re-opening Einstein’s Thought (Conrad P Pritscher)