- Provides insight into what drives the recruitment process and what an interviewer looks for while interviewing an engineering student
- Covers concepts, problems, and interview questions for each topic
- Covers latest buzzwords like Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Big Data, and many more
- All the concepts are discussed in a lucid, easy to understand manner
- A reader without any basic knowledge in computers can comfortably follow this book
The book is specifically designed for freshers, who despite being brilliant at the technical aspects of the interview, tend to fail when it comes to soft skills and HR interviews. The book provides readers with a relevant blueprint when it comes to planning for pre-interview preparation. It provides candidates with guidelines on the preparation of their resumes and the format that should be followed. Table of Contents
- 1. Organization of Chapters 17
- 2. Getting Ready 22
- 3. Group Discussions 37
- 4. Operating System Concepts 54
- 5. C/C++/Java Interview Questions 81
- 6. Scripting Languages 157
- 7. Bitwise Hacking 194
- 8. Concepts of Computer Networking 203
- 9. Database Management Systems 256
- 10. Brain Teasers 271
- 11. Algorithms Introduction 274
- 12. Recursion and Backtracking 285
- 13. Linked Lists 290
- 14. Stacks 322
- 15. Queues 336
- 16. Trees 345
- 17. Priority Queues and Heaps 397
- 18. Graph Algorithms 407
- 19. Sorting 417
- 20. Searching 441
- 21. Hashing 466
- 22. String Algorithms 473
- 23. Algorithms Design Techniques 479
- 24. Greedy Algorithms 482
- 25. Divide and Conquer Algorithms 486
- 26. Dynamic Programming 489
- 27. Basics of Design Patterns 496
- 28. Non-Technical Help 505
- 29. Quantitative Aptitude Concepts 511
- 30. Basics of Cloud Computing 524
- 31. Miscellaneous Concepts 539
- 32. Career Options 559