Why would anyone want to work in a war zone? The most common reason is money - and there is a lot of it to be made in a war zone. Whether they are paid in dollars, marks or dinars, war-zone workers often make 10 times what they would back home, and quitea few make in one year what it would take them 20 to earn back home. And the earnings may be tax free if you follow the rules outlined in this book. Others choose to work in war zones because of the travel. Not only are expenses to and from the war zone covered, but workers frequently take breaks in nearby vacation spots for almost nothing. It"s the challenge of performing in a combat zone that draws some to this work, and not a day goes by that some part of you is not challenged in a war-torn area. Yourmotivation may be more noble: you want to help people. In a war zone you can touch the lives of so many people with just a little effort and compassion. Whatever your motivation, if you are looking for an exciting new job or personal challenge, Working in a War Zone is for you. Written by a veteran war-zone worker, this entertaining guide is crammed with practical advice on finding jobs, negotiating compensation, locating safe shelter, managing your finances and everything else you need to know to not only survive but prosper in a war zone. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Working in a War Zone: Cashing in Safely After the Shooting Stops (Jeffrey L. Morelock, Jeff Morris)