Practical Astronomy and Geodesy: Including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. for the Use of the Royal Military College, Volume 5 John Narrien

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John Narrien - «Practical Astronomy and Geodesy: Including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. for the Use of the Royal Military College, Volume 5»

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Полное название книги John Narrien Practical Astronomy and Geodesy: Including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. for the Use of the Royal Military College, Volume 5
Автор John Narrien
Ключевые слова общие работы по всемирной истории, всемирная история
Категории Образование и наука, История
ISBN 9785877277670
Год 2011
Название транслитом practical-astronomy-and-geodesy-including-the-projections-of-the-sphere-and-spherical-trigonometry-for-the-use-of-the-royal-military-college-volume-5-john-narrien
Название с ошибочной раскладкой practical astronomy and geodesy: including the projections of the sphere and spherical trigonometry. for the use of the royal military college, volume 5 john narrien