Farther English Examples, Or, Book of Cautions for Children in Rendering English Into Latin. Also a Vocabulary, English and Latin English Examples

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English Examples - «Farther English Examples, Or, Book of Cautions for Children in Rendering English Into Latin. Also a Vocabulary, English and Latin»

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Полное название книги English Examples Farther English Examples, Or, Book of Cautions for Children in Rendering English Into Latin. Also a Vocabulary, English and Latin
Автор English Examples
Ключевые слова общие работы по всемирной истории, всемирная история
Категории Образование и наука, История
ISBN 9785875796487
Год 2011
Название транслитом farther-english-examples-or-book-of-cautions-for-children-in-rendering-english-into-latin-also-a-vocabulary-english-and-latin-english-examples
Название с ошибочной раскладкой farther english examples, or, book of cautions for children in rendering english into latin. also a vocabulary, english and latin english examples