How To Give: Effectiveness Of Partnership Between Public And Civil Society Sectors In International Humanitarian Aid Julianna Koksarova

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Julianna Koksarova - «How To Give: Effectiveness Of Partnership Between Public And Civil Society Sectors In International Humanitarian Aid»

О книге

International humanitarian aid has become a part of our social reality and recent disasters in Haiti, Pakistan, and Japan add additional fuel to an urgent need to find effective ways of dealing with humanitarian crises. Yet, the search of effectiveness is often limited to studies that focus on quality of services and results on the ground. Before researchers can offer solutions for making humanitarian aid effective, it is important to explore mechanisms through which it is carried out and identify ways of ensuring their effectiveness. This study focuses on partnership between humanitarian agencies and the European Commissiona??s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Office, demonstrating application of the Three Failures Theory. It uses public-private partnership in humanitarian settings as a unique opportunity to investigate partnership as a process. This book provides guidance to collaboration researchers and policy makers who strive to build stronger partnerships in order to create better collaboration outcomes, especially in humanitarian crises. It also provides insights into the question of "How to give?" to scholars and practitioners of philanthropy. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге How To Give: Effectiveness Of Partnership Between Public And Civil Society Sectors In International Humanitarian Aid (Julianna Koksarova)

Полное название книги Julianna Koksarova How To Give: Effectiveness Of Partnership Between Public And Civil Society Sectors In International Humanitarian Aid
Автор Julianna Koksarova
Ключевые слова менеджмент, общий менеджмент
Категории Деловая литература, Менеджмент. Управление предприятием
ISBN 3659277525
Год 2012
Название транслитом how-to-give-effectiveness-of-partnership-between-public-and-civil-society-sectors-in-international-humanitarian-aid-julianna-koksarova
Название с ошибочной раскладкой how to give: effectiveness of partnership between public and civil society sectors in international humanitarian aid julianna koksarova