Contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) in India: The business, legal, regulatory and tax environment in the pharmaceutical and ... (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine) Milind Antani, Gowree Gokhale

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Milind Antani, Gowree Gokhale - «Contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) in India: The business, legal, regulatory and tax environment in the pharmaceutical and ... (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine)»

О книге

The field of contract research and manufacturing broadly encompasses those services in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors that require extensive research and development and large-scale manufacturing facilities. The field has great potential for growth in the Indian outsourcing industry, which is world-renowned for its provision of cheap and highly-skilled services. The authors provide a detailed account of the current scenario in India and the advantages that the Indian outsourcing industry can offer in the field of contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS). Following an overview of the services and their emergence in India, chapters discuss the legal and regulatory scenario and major concerns and issues. Other topics include service agreements, dispute resolution and contract negotiations, followed by a discussion of the outlook for CRAMS in India. The conclusion includes several appendices, which offer a list of major players in the field and various forms for use in licence applications. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) in India: The business, legal, regulatory and tax environment in the pharmaceutical and ... (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine) (Milind Antani, Gowree Gokhale)

Полное название книги Milind Antani, Gowree Gokhale Contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) in India: The business, legal, regulatory and tax environment in the pharmaceutical and ... (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine)
Авторы Milind Antani, Gowree Gokhale
Ключевые слова менеджмент, общий менеджмент
Категории Деловая литература, Менеджмент. Управление предприятием
ISBN 1907568190
Год 2012
Название транслитом contract-research-and-manufacturing-services-crams-in-india-the-business-legal-regulatory-and-tax-environment-in-the-pharmaceutical-and-woodhead-publishing-series-in-biomedicine-milind-antani-gowree-gokhale
Название с ошибочной раскладкой contract research and manufacturing services (crams) in india: the business, legal, regulatory and tax environment in the pharmaceutical and ... (woodhead publishing series in biomedicine) milind antani-gowree gokhale