Principled Selling: How to Win More Business Without Selling Your Soul David Tovey

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David Tovey - «Principled Selling: How to Win More Business Without Selling Your Soul»

О книге

The world of sales has evolved, and buyer behavior has changed - buyers trust social media and personal recommendations more than they trust salespeople. To acquire customers, salespeople need to adapt to the new business environment. Principled Selling discusses the new skills and behaviors needed to win customers, build relationships and retain existing ones.This highly effective approach to business development helps align sales techniques with the new expectations of customers and clients by emphasizing content marketing and motivating customers, rather than coercing them. Readers will learn to:- avoid cold calling and generate meetings- develop relationships built on trust and maintain customer loyalty- sell services in ways that clients appreciate -sustain long-term sales growth- incorporate social media into an effective business development strategyFocused on building long-term, profitable relationships rather than manipulation and "closing the sale," Principled Selling offers valuable advice for salespeople in any industry. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Principled Selling: How to Win More Business Without Selling Your Soul (David Tovey)

Полное название книги David Tovey Principled Selling: How to Win More Business Without Selling Your Soul
Автор David Tovey
Ключевые слова менеджмент, общий менеджмент
Категории Деловая литература, Менеджмент. Управление предприятием
ISBN 74946657
Год 2012
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