The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing Saul Kaplan

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Saul Kaplan - «The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing»

О книге

Business model innovation is the new strategic imperative for all leadersBlockbuster"s executives saw Netflix coming. Yet they stuck with their bricks and mortar business model, losing billions in shareholder value. They were "netflixed." Business models don"t last as long as they used to. Historically CEO"s have managed a single business model over their entire careers. Today, all organizations must be capable of designing, prototyping, and experimenting with new business models. The Business Model Innovation Factory provides leaders with the survival skills to create a pipeline of new business models in the face of disruptive markets and competition.Avoid being netflixed. Your organization must be a business model innovator to stay competitive in today"s turbulent world. Author Saul Kaplan is the founder and chief catalyst of the Business Innovation Factory (BIF), a real world laboratory for exploring and testing new business models and social systems. BIF has attracted a global community of over five thousand innovators and organizes the internationally renowned BIF Collaborative Innovation Summit Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing (Saul Kaplan)

Полное название книги Saul Kaplan The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing
Автор Saul Kaplan
Ключевые слова финансы, инвестиции, банковское дело, международные финансовые отношения
Категории Деловая литература, Банковское дело
ISBN 1118149564
Год 2012
Название транслитом the-business-model-innovation-factory-how-to-stay-relevant-when-the-world-is-changing-saul-kaplan
Название с ошибочной раскладкой the business model innovation factory: how to stay relevant when the world is changing saul kaplan