Discovering New Business Opportunities John English and Babette Moate

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John English and Babette Moate - «Discovering New Business Opportunities»

О книге

Looking for a new idea that you can turn into a business? Already have an idea that might work? About to take the plunge and want to road test your idea? Discovering New Business Opportunities shows you how to uncover new business ideas and how to decide which ones are worth pursuing. This book is the boot camp for new business ideas with scores of tips to help you; Look for new business opportunities Identify a viable market Anticipate the risks Build a business model Validate commercial potential Develop a start-up strategy. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Discovering New Business Opportunities (John English and Babette Moate)

Полное название книги John English and Babette Moate Discovering New Business Opportunities
Автор John English and Babette Moate
Ключевые слова финансы, инвестиции, банковское дело, международные финансовые отношения
Категории Деловая литература, Банковское дело
ISBN 1459602927
Год 2012
Название транслитом discovering-new-business-opportunities-john-english-and-babette-moate
Название с ошибочной раскладкой discovering new business opportunities john english and babette moate